star hand-animated
Ashley Home clean

4555 Jackson St NE Minneapolis


Discounts & Offers

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Make your first purchase with us and receive a discount coupon for your next contract

$ 10 off

Basic Home Cleaning

$ 10 off

Standard Service

Our Plans

Apartments Services

home service based on square footage, calculate your estimate and enjoy your day off and let us leave your home sparkling
*prices vary adding extra services

Basic Service

  • 1 bethroom
  • 1 bathroom
  • Kitchen Spaces
  • Bath & Tub Spaces
  • Bedrooms & Living Spaces


Standard Service

  • 2 bethroom
  • 1 bathroom
  • Kitchen Spaces
  • Bath & Tub Spaces
  • Bedrooms & Living Spaces


Gold Service

  • 3 bethroom
  • 2 bathroom
  • Kitchen Spaces
  • Bath & Tub Spaces
  • Bedrooms & Living Spaces


Multiple services

Additional Services Rates

For more information about the services consult the Services section